7 Extreme Outdoor Activities that May Kill You (but will be a great time)
I tell it like it is. Here’s 7 outdoor activities to try before you depart the Earth. Some might argue that these activities may help you depart sooner. Not if you take proper precautions. Having said that, these activities are all a good time and I highly recommend picking some up if you’re looking for stuff to do outdoors.
- Skiing
First of all, won’t even mention snowboarding, skiing’s lesser cousin. If you snowboard already, no you don’t. This is really a primetime activity though — tackling the cold, spectacular views from the top of mountains, cruising down the slopes on powder. If you’re really good, even dodging in and out of glades.
There’s almost nothing that matches it.
The ability to explore new trails, new areas, meet strangers on the chairlift…cannot recommend skiing highly enough. Within the US, if you’re looking for the truly great mountains, scope out West in Colorado, Utah, or elsewhere.
Out East, you can find some of the best skiing in Vermont and New Hampshire. Getting out there for the first time every year is always a highlight.
Just look at that powder — and especially in the second photo, the frost everywhere. It’s a different world on the mountain in the winter.
Don’t hit any trees.
2. Surfing
I’ll admit, I’m a bit of a novice at this one. Only done it once or twice. It’s a pretty great time though. Provided you’re in warm water, you get out there, wait for the wave, and once it’s there, cruise. It’s almost like skateboarding but on the water.
Great spots for this one include Malibu, Hawaii, Australia, and apparently Portugal? There’s other spots you can go as well. Goes without saying, but if you’re really into the ocean, this may be the one for you. Sign up for a lesson and get gnarly. Famous surfers include, of all people, Fisher. The more you know.
If you avoid rip currents and excessively rocky coastlines, you should be in the clear with this one. Lots of upside, less downside. Take a lesson before getting too deep into it to maximize enjoyment.
3. White Water Rafting
This is potentially the most underrated activity on the list. Most people have straight up not done this one, and it’s a little tougher to break into. In all likelihood you’ll need a guided tour.
Having said that — it’s awesome.
Nothing parallels the feeling of going straight over some intense rapids. You’ll be ripping down the river, through the environment around you and over waterways that feel like something at a water park. Been a few times, both in Pennsylvania and on the upper Hudson River.
West Virginia, Colorado, Idaho and Maine are apparently prime locations as well. Pick one and enjoy it to the fullest.
4. Hiking
Hiking is a versatile experience, and one that may be closest to my heart out of all the ones on this list. You can do it anywhere provided there’s any uphill slope around. It’s also, on average, less dangerous than the other options on this list which is a positive.
What else is there to say? You get a good workout in, you’re right in nature, and you get to experience great views and scenery at the end.
And when I say great views, I mean this — the payoff view can make the hike.
You get to the summit, you’re exhausted, you brought lunch, you’re with friends/significant other, and you can see ahead of you for miles. Relax, sit back and enjoy it.
I won’t list off specific spots where you can go. Google can do a better job of that than me.
But you can go anywhere from Maryland:
to the Grand Canyon
and a million places in between. By the way — the Grand Canyon is incredibly large.
5. Camping
Camping is basically hiking’s extreme cousin. Oh you liked getting outside and taking a walk in the woods?? How about you just stay out there overnight then?? I don’t have to describe camping to any of you. You already know what it is. But have you ever done it?
My honest opinion is that camping is pretty lame if you just go to one of those drive-in spots and post up with a bunch of other people in your immediate proximity. It has its greatest rewards when you’re by yourselves, out in nature.
Another thought. Bring extra clothes. Turns out, it gets cold at night. The biggest danger factors here are freezing to death, followed by bears & coyotes. Definitely don’t freeze to death — if you run into a bear without bear spray, at least it’ll kill you quickly.
Again, it all circles back to picking somewhere good. This was a real hidden gem of a park to camp at, except it wasn’t too hidden and the campsite was packed with at least 30 other families.
This, on the other hand, was a real hidden gem to camp at.
6. Rock Climbing
There’s the kind you do inside a gym, and there’s the kind you do on actual rocks. Both have their pros and cons. One is completely irrelevant to this list because we’re talking about outdoor activities. Both are kind of a pain in the ass because of all the harnessing required.
Rock climbing is definitely a cool activity, but it’s not for everyone. Only done it once or twice, but all the extra hassle makes me personally enjoy hiking more. Having said that, some people do get a thrill out of scaling a sheer rock face.
The views in this are probably unparalleled. The question is really more so if you can stomach the heights & the hassle. Of course, your other option is being like that guy in Free Solo and just sending it no ropes. Again, to each their own.
7. Mountain Biking
Was going to just go with biking but we’re making an extreme list for extreme people so just by tossing “mountain” in there you get a whole different dynamic. Mountain biking is actually insane. Could be the most dangerous activity on this list by far, ahead of rock climbing. The thrill is also extreme.
If you’re an avid thrill seeker, this is one you need to try out.
Of all the great mountain biking locations in the US, Moab, UT leads the way as the primetime destination, which shouldn’t surprise anybody. Moab has not only some of the best scenery around, but also the greatest outdoor activities.
But also on this list….Copper Harbor, Michigan??
Copper Harbor, on the upper peninsula leaning into the Great Lakes, is actually one of the best spots for mountain biking in the US as well, with famous trails running from top to bottom of the “mountains” in the area. Respect where respect is due, it gets the job done.
First of all, went to get you some mountain biking pics from Copper Harbor and found this waterfall instead. This is awesome. Second of all,
yeah it’s insane. You actually need to be a professional to do these courses.
Use caution, but get out there and partake in these activities. It’s my mission to get more people outside, into the world, to experience it first hand. You probably won’t enjoy all the items on this list, but you should at least try them out. It’s a worthwhile quest. Go get it. Follow here, on instagram @theregrowthproject, or subscribe on patreon if you love it as much as I love you.