Top Views from Along the Way
This one’s a light blog. Need to get something out there just for the sake of it, so I’ll regale you tales of some of the cool views from along the way.
Here’s the view from the top of Mount Nittany, State College, PA. A cloudy day. Could not ask for a more beautiful view, in late November, as the leaves turn. Collected some moss from that day which is in a jar in my room, mostly dead. The landscape below is one of the greatest places on Earth — memories wise, at least.
Incomparable in memories, but pretty excellent in scenery. This one’s a golf course our in Essex, MD. Believe it’s from somewhere on the 10th or 11th hole. Sun low in the sky over what I think is the Gunpowder river. Or Gunpowder falls river, or something similar. Was a great day to hit the links, and as always, clean some garbage.
Now this one’s obviously a little different. The most notable item in the photo is probably the shadow. That would be the shadow of the Delicate Arch, known for being on Utah’s license plate. The desert rock and sky from this angle is not such a bad sight either though. Something they don’t tell you about this place is the crows, which dive bomb and do these weird backwards twirls. Truly a spooky creature. I loved it.
Same neck of the woods, generally speaking. The great Salt Flats in Utah. Yes — the ground is salt. It floods about once a year, and at this time, there was still a little dampness to the ground, but you can really see as far as you want in any direction until the mountains begin. On the middle left side of the photo, you can even see some cars running along the highway there. One of the scenic spots of the good ol’ U S A that they don’t tell you about.
Taking you all back east, to Blue Hills in Mass. The city you see out there is Boston, home of excellent sports teams and the hopefully soon to be world champion Boston Celtics. Just need to not blow a few more leads, and a big game or two out of Jayson Tatum. But the point of this blog is special views, and this one really does get the job done. Green trees and blue skies. And taken from the top of a cool old tower as well. The world needs more cool old towers.
Finally, we take you all the way up the coast to the top of Katahdin in Maine. Out there is the 100 mile wilderness, famous for being 100 miles of wilderness. It’s the kind of thing you see less and less of nowadays. This part of Maine is really not all that mountainous, but you do get outliers like this one. Not sure if it’s an offshoot of NH’s White Mountains, or perhaps it’s something else entirely. Either way, it’s proof that there’s views everywhere. Here, there, even elsewhere. There’s nothing we love to do more than explore the world around us, and today’s just another testament to that mindset. Appreciate it. Follow here, follow on IG, and sub on patreon. I love you.