The Things You Find
In honor of finding some weird shit out and about on the clean today, I now bring you a special feature on the things you find while cleaning up at parks.
Above is Exhibit A. The hollow of a tree filled deep with a myriad of trash. Corona bottles, modelos, plastic water bottles, cans, old juice cartons, a gatorade bottle, plenty of crushed cans of food, the peels of both an apple and a banana, and a pack of boags all stuffed into this tree. Somebody along the shoreline decided, yes, this is the spot for all my trash. Why? Who? How hammered was this person? All these questions come to mind when evaluating a unique sight such as this. The hollow was so deep I couldn’t even reach all the way in to clean it, lending some idea as to the athleticism or flexibility of this offender. We need this superhuman on our team or he/she may go down as one of the great villains of all time in the littering game.
Here’s another interesting find from today. Not 50 yards up the beach from the trash hollow is this rock, spray painted to instead resemble a lizard. Who saw this rock and thought, “This rock needs to look more like a lizard.”? Please ignore the mess of grammar at the end of that sentence, as I often have no idea what to do when ending a sentence with a quote. Back to the topic: Lizard Rock. I commend the artist for doing what it takes to spice this rock up but am nonetheless curious as to why it was painted in this way. The smirk and the raised eyebrow suggest that this lizard is up to something and does not have your best interests in mind. If I was a regular hanging out down the beach, I think it would make me mildly uncomfortable to be sitting near lizard rock. Reminds me too much of Zuckerberg. Moving on.
Here’s the third interesting find of just today. Notice first the pile of leftover trash bags. Not overly uncommon, unfortunately, but it always cracks me up how people can bag their trash up but not take it with them. What really brings this image to the forefront, though, is the escape rope, which is tied to a tree about 10 feet up the eroded beach wall. It leads to the path up top which leads back to the road and likely wherever people came from to access the beach. So basically, the rope is an entrance/exit for athletes only. Makes enough sense, but there are actually numerous walkable paths off this beach. There is no need for this rope to be here. Who needs a rope here just in case they need to make a quick escape up the wall to the path above? I cannot stress this enough, there is a path incredibly nearby on either side. I respect the hustle of tying the rope up because it is kind of dope, but it’s redundant at best. If it were a drier day I might’ve tried my hand at climbing up but didn’t feel like getting wet and muddy. (Also makes you think — maybe the reason they left the trash is because it was too hard to bring up the rope. Again, that’s what the paths are for??)
Closing you out with more spray painted objects, here we have this rock. Was unclear as to the nature of this object at first, but luckily some good samaritan with a can of spray paint kindly labeled it “Rock” so that we could resolve this mystery. Good people like this are truly the shepherds of our society, leading the rest of us sheep the the light of knowledge. At least they didn’t litter in the process. These pictures are only a microcosm of all the wild stuff you find when out and about in your local parks. I highly recommend that you, too, venture out into the wilderness and find some of the weird and crazy shit that awaits you somewhere close by. You’ll easily find something funny or interesting. Planet Earth is the best first person video game ever invented.
For more blogs, give me a follow on here ’cause you know I’ll continue to post ’em. We also post pictures and videos as well as regularly update our bags cleaned count on the Instagram which is theregrowthproject. You can also find updates, merchandise, and eco-friendly products on Tell your friends and enjoy the shit out of your local parks — that’s what they’re there for! Also, 10 more shopping bags worth cleaned today to bring the count to 1723. Roll RGP.