February Wrap Up
Welcome to the RGP February Wrap Up. First of (hopefully) many. My boy Jackson suggested I start doing these on NYE this year, so 2 months later, here we are. Let’s review the month.
Started off very slow — did not clean on Feb 1. That’s f__ked up. I apologize to each and every one of you who I let down so thoroughly that day. Got back after it in the rain on Feb 2nd and 3rd, and completed our first Maple Lawn group clean that weekend. Sign of things to come. Besides that, revisited the trash alley several times, making (so we hope) a lasting dent in the garbage behind 7/11. It’s a disaster back there. Scoped some views down by Fort McHenry on several occasions. Ripped a second Maple Lawn group clean, cleaned for a 3rd time last weekend, and hit Sugarloaf mountain (the MD version; there are many) to wrap up the month.
Also had southbaltimore.com write an article about us, which gained a lot of traction. That was awesome.
Maple Lawn group cleans — between the 3 cleans, we grabbed about 27 shopping bags worth of trash. Unreal.
Sugarloaf Mountain — great way to end the month. Had been a grip since we last hiked in nature, scoped some wildlife, and even explored some ruins. Those who have stuck around for awhile know that’s what RGP is all about.
Fort McHenry Trainyards — I just think it’s sick down there.
The Article — see above. Enough said.
Skipped Feb 1 — unforgivable.
Trash alley — I go back and there’s always more trash. The job never ends. Who parties behind a 7/11?
Cleaning a bag only to find the nearest can is full — this is always a bummer.
Waking up late and rushing a clean — a bad clean is like a bad lift. Gets the job done, but not ideal.
Goals for March are to not miss a day, get on 2 “outward bound”cleans to new areas, clean the trash alley in full, if only for a day, and grow the patreon by 5 more subs. This is very manageable, but RGP will have to show up. Continue to track our progress at theregrowthproject on IG, and subscribe at the link in bio!!