Cleaning Up Earth is Fun

The Regrowth Project
2 min readMay 15, 2022

Let’s break down a common misconception. It’s “lame” to clean up the environment. What I mean by that is this: most organizations who spend time cleaning the environment/doing environmental stuff are run by a bunch of nerds. Respectfully, of course.

Taking care of nature does not have to be a lame thing to do. IF you; a regular guy or gal; go with your boys (or gals, or both!) to a park, hang around, clean some trash, bring a speaker, and enjoy the day — is that lame?

Bring a Crew

Too often we are bombarded with pictures of people who are nothing like us doing stuff like this, with the caption:

“Save Planet Earth !!! What an excellent adventure cleaning litter from xyz Park! Hope nobody litters again! Go Team, and use Paper Straws!!”

Get real. Paper straws blow.

We need more captions like “Great day spending some time outdoors, with a good group no less. Probably saved a bird’s life today. Definitely brought the energy. Circle back next time.”

Definitely brought the energy. Circle back next time.

Everyone cares about nature, but people pitch in when they have a good time. This has been more of a rant than a blog, but it’s frustrating to see every environmental group out there (hyperbole) doing the same old boring nonsense. Can’t think of a worse way to spend a day than doing something as lame as “volunteering” at one of these events and probably signing a petition or two while being there. Might as well sing kumbaya while you’re at it.

If people are going to take care of the planet, let them have a good time. Bump some tunes. Shoot the shit. Truly appreciate the great outdoors while you’re at it. Cleaning the planet up is fun, if you let it be.

Cleaning Earth is Fun

