Body on the Line
In honor of falling in a stream today while getting you this top notch #content we’re going to do a blog in honor of me putting my body on the line while doing RGP. No thanks necessary.
So, the stream from today. This was slightly upstream of where I ruined my new Nike Dry fits and hiking boots in what could possibly be sewer water. It didn’t smell bad in the stream but definitely a little something funky going on under the bridge. However, less #1 is that content comes at all costs. As the title of the article suggests, we put our bodies on the line to not only deliver you content but also to deliver cleanliness to our beautiful and deserving natural environments. Without my steadfast effort today, the forest you see before you would be 10 shopping bags of trash dirtier. Again, I am not a hero, but I will accept the responsibility of that title.
Speaking of danger levels, here’s another sight from the clean today. Keep in mind that most of the trash we picked up was on either the right or left side of this roped off section. These posts were really not put in all that well either — many of them were falling down. In fact, at the top of the trail, there were even a few bright red signs that said “Trail Closed” and “Caution! Steep Slope.” While intended as warnings, I’ve learned to perceive such signs as challenges and will charge headlong into danger to pick up broken glass and other assorted trashes from the side of sheer cliff faces. Almost lost our footing a couple times but nothing we here at the Project can’t handle. Just in terms of trash we pick up, between all the broken glass, rusty metals, and bottles of strange liquid, I’d say that I’ve cumulatively taken years off my life cleaning bags for the good of the people. Again, don’t thank me for this entirely selfless act. I do it for you all.
A third sight — just from today — is this wooden footbridge leading straight into the plants. And let me tell you, the path on the other side of this thing looks like an open field compared to what we had to power through ahead. Besides visibly thorny plants, who knows what ivys and creepy plants that lurk in the shade I had to whack through to get to the site today. Could’ve been some kind of poison oak or the concealed nest of a rabid groundhog. I may have narrowly escaped with my life today and never known. If I wake up tomorrow with some nasty poison ivy I know exactly where to blame, not to mention damages to my shirt from pushing through that stuff. Having said that, no problem whatsoever. When you have a job to do, you gotta put your body on the line. Like some of the all time greats before me who played through pain (MJ flu game, Curt Schilling in the bloody sock game, Tiger winning the US open on a broken leg), I too am ready to fall into streams, risk bug stingery and contact with pointy or poisonous plants, and clean all the trash there is to be cleaned. Watch out litter.
As always, here’s the part of the blog where I plug anything and everything. Check out theregrowthproject on IG, our website, or become a member of our patreon to financially support what we do. More blogs and video content on there. Thanks fellas (and ladies.)