Beach or Mountains? The Great Debate
“You a beach guy or a mountain guy?”
If you live in a first world country, you’ve easily heard this question before. And the answer can be a nuanced thing.
Not straightforward.
Pros and cons to both which need to be discussed to make an informed decision. Here and now, we dive into it.
The Beach
Yeah, we’re talking the beach.
Wait wait wait, not that beach. This beach.
Now we’re talking. The beach is a great time, and we’ve already compared it to pools. The beach won in that estimation. But we’re onto the next game.
- Sunny Weather
- Beach games (football, spikeball, kan jam, several of the classics)
- Post up with a cooler and vibe out
- Good nature
- Beach towns
There are numerous pros to the beach when compared to the mountains.
The mountain isn’t technically “sunnier” than the beach, but on average the beach may be a place to enjoy the sun a bit better.
Clear edge as far as versatility of games you can play there, and ultimately it’s a well known spot to just post up and spend a day with family & friends.
Obviously there’s also the chance to see some fish, starfish, and marine wildlife of that sort.
Having said all this; the main key place beaches beats mountains tends to be the classic beach town.
There is no obvious equivalent in the mountains. A great beach town vibe is unparalleled and can make the experience in itself. It is much rarer to find this same atmosphere in the mountains.
- Sand everywhere
- Repetitive
- Seasonally dependent
- Sun poisoning
First major con is sand everywhere. It’ll be in your shoes, in your car, really everywhere that exists it’ll be there. Far from ideal, it is one of the most annoying substances that exists.
The beach experience can also be repetitive. Great spending a weekend out there, less and less great as the weeks go on unless you truly love it. Important to evaluate the beach through this lens.
We need to recognize that the beach is a big deal in warm months only. Large swaths of the planet have beaches that are just not worth going to in the winter.
The Hamptons, Cape Cod, the Jersey Shore all mesh into that category. How are you going to lay outside with shirt popped off when it’s 30 degrees out?
Finally, the flip side of this. It’s beautiful, 80 degrees out, shirt popped off, you apply a little sunscreen (but not enough) and you spend the day out there.
Boom you got sun poisoning. Skin hurts. Feel like dog. Maybe a little nausea and the chills. Not to mention heightened risk of skin cancer down the road.
That’s all bad news — it can technically happen anywhere, but I’d bet money sun poisoning happens at the beach more than not.
Now that we have a comprehensive breakdown of the pros and cons of the beach, we can discuss mountains.
The Mountains
Mountains are a whole different animal, with their own set of pros and cons.
Time to stop spewing, and start discussing the facts.
- Hiking
- Great views
- Nature
- Possibility of lakes
- Privacy
- Winter sports
We’ll start with the obvious — one main reason mountains are cool is because you can go up them. Crazy, I know.
Hiking is one of those activities that just clears the mind and puts you in a peaceful state while doing it. Walking through forests, challenging the body, and seeing areas you wouldn’t see otherwise.
Tied right in with this is the potential for an incredible payoff view at the top.
Something feels different about sitting at the top of a mountain, pleasantly fatigued, soaking in the incredible sights around you.
Beaches have good nature — but in the mountains it’s a different breed. There are great mountain ecosystems across the world, including forest, jungle, and desert biomes depending on where you’re at.
The nature is versatile, and the wildlife can be quite versatile as well, ranging from deer to elk to moose to bears not to mention non-mammals.
You may have the opportunity to go to a lake if you need your water fix, depending on where exactly you’re at. We won’t count this as a given, but as a valid possibility. Always fun to go tubing and swimming even without as much waterfront real estate as an ocean beach offers.
There’s more seasonal variety, as you can also ski and snowboard in winter besides all the summertime activities, and you have great privacy.
While most mountain areas are definitely missing that beach town vibe we know and love, there’s something to be said for just having a place in the forest with nobody within eyeshot. Relaxing mentally.
But it’s not all sunshine and roses. What are the cons?
- More isolated
- Potentially not a lake around
- Mauled by a bear
- Less of a “move” to go to each day
Many of these cons boil down to the first con — mountains are far more isolated. Privacy is great, but it can get a bit tougher to do things.
Nearest town might be 30 minutes away. You’re less likely to meet cool people around the place. Where even is the nearest gas station?
These are all valid concerns.
Similarly, although mountain lakes are awesome, they’re not just growing on trees. You need to be near one to properly utilize it. And it won’t have waves, and might just be freezing if it’s comprised of snowmelt.
The wildlife can also be dangerous. At the beach, you do have sharks, but in the mountains you have bears, moose, coyotes, and potentially Bigfoot, who if he exists, has not been known to roam the Outer Banks.
Ultimately, there’s not a single “move” to do each day. Going on a hike can be incredible, but it can only be done so many times. And not back to back.
Unless you do have a lake house and a good group of people, there is no option more rock solid than just going to the beach and chilling.
Many, many pros and cons to both. The ideal summer probably has a mix of the two if you can swing it.
I am going to hand the W to mountains, because mountains have a wide variety of options and the best nature available, and I am a nature guy.
Having said that, if you’re more of a people person and just enjoy good vibes around others, at the possible cost of activities, than the beach is a winner here.
Either way, get outside and go enjoy one or the other. And if you live in a place with neither? Figure it out.
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