5 Ways to Enjoy a Little Nature (for Free)
Welcome back to The Regrowth Blog where we go ahead and appreciate the world around us. People tell me sometimes that they’re not “Nature People” and don’t really like the great outdoors. Well science and common sense says that people were designed to be in nature. So today we’ll discuss 5 easy activities you can do to just enjoy the world around you a little more. Get ready to get centered. We’re popping off.
#1) Leading the list off with easily my favorite one — find a trail and walk around on it. Look at the foliage. Look for animals on the ground and birds in the air. Listen to the sounds. The world around us, it turns out, is actually beautiful and worth a few seconds of your time. Return from a walk in nature and just feel 10x more refreshed. It is what it should be.
#2) That first one have a little too much nature for you? Just go ahead and vibe out in a local park. You don’t have to walk too much. You can just sit by a pond and let the mind wander. Even just being outdoors and watching the world around you is enough. It’s okay if they mow the lawn and regularly maintain the trails and people walk their dogs. A local park gets the job done, even if it’s not deep in the wilderness. Make it a point to check out a local park you haven’t been to this week.
#3) Sometimes, you live in the city and need to let nature come to you! Not everyone likes rain, but have you ever felt the raw power and energy of a tremendous rainstorm?? Just walking around in it?? Maybe put on a rain jacket, but there’s nothing more enlivening (hope that’s a word) than getting out in the elements, getting a little soaked, and watching the world around you in a deluge. I promise it can be the most at peace you’ll ever be if you just let it happen. You’ll feel like your life is a movie. Love being out in the rain.
#4) Enjoy a sunset. Alright, maybe I went a bit too far encouraging everyone to go out in the rain. And maybe I also offended a resident of Arizona or Cali or somewhere that doesn’t get quite enough of that. I apologize, insincerely. But — I promise you have sunsets, and they don’t require you getting soaked either. They happen every night around the same time, depending on what time of the year it is. Go outside, don’t look directly at the sun, and marvel at the colors you see in the sky. Ancient people used to think that thing was a god for a reason. Don’t let it get lost in the mix.
P.S. Bonus points if you get up early to enjoy a sunrise. Somewhat more difficult but also refreshing.
#5) This one’s easy. Next time you see a flower, even if it’s a little weed looking, just look at it! Look at those purple leaves. Look at the weird little flowers growing in the grass. Look at that plant your neighbor has. It’s easy to forget how awesome some of these plants are. How diverse their colors can be. How they can grow in the most unexpected places. Nature is truly all around you, all day, every day. Sometimes it can be obscured by a little concrete & your daily responsibilities, but don’t let that hold you back. Enjoy some nature and watch your baseline happiness increase tenfold.
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